Tuesday 10 June 2014

Portugal fiasco

Today is the 10th of June so you know what that means! Happy Portugal day!!! Yay! Don't believe me? Check the Internet! So to celebrate this holiday that I have never heard of I decided to write about something that happened to me while I was in Portugal..........now that I think about it. It may of happened in Spain but oh well. So here we go: I was on a two week trip with my family in Portugal or Spain (im still not sure)and I was having a really good time. The hotel was nice and the room was always cleaned. One of the days halfway through the first week my family didn't have anything planned so we decided to do whatever we wanted and we would all meet back for dinner that evening. My mother decided to sunbathe,my father decided to go shopping for lunch,my sister and her husband and her kids went out shopping around one of the towns and I just decided to stay in the hotel room. I was just siting there bored on my iPod and felt hungry. We didn't have alot of food so I didn't have alot of options. I went down to the pool where my mother was and asked her if there was a shop nearby that I could get some food from. She told me that there was a shop beside the hotel and she told me that there was some money on the kitchen table that I could take. As I walked back up to my hotel room to retrieve the money,I saw a maid doing her daily rounds of cleaning the rooms and supplying each room with new towels and toilet paper. I am the most shy person and I don't talk to people that I don't know but I said 'hola' and managed a little nervous smile. The maid smiled back. I felt that our encounter was awkward and I didn't feel like running into her again and I knew that she would soon be visiting my room so I decided to take my money and stay away from my room for a little bit. I took my money and went to the shop to buy an ice cream and some chocolate. I waited for 10 minutes for the woman to scan my items. There was NOBODY in line! She was talking to her friend! But I let it slide. She was talking spanish and so I didn't want to get a random lady mad at me. Also. The owner's dog was attached on his lead on a pole outside. I thought he was cute for a minute but when I tried to get past the tiny dog he would bark loudly and try to bite me. I was happy enough to be out of that shop and was glad my ice cream had not melted. I went back to my hotel room and I started to eat my ice cream. It was starting to melt quickly and my mouth was covered in chocolate and ice cream. I looked like a mess but I just laughed at myself. At that moment,the maid walks in.
DUN DUN DUUUUNN! I felt like the most awkwardest (is that even a word?) person ever. She asked me if I wanted my room clean. She was an okay person at Spanish so it put me at ease a little bit. I struggled with the chocolate in my mouth but managed to say to her that the room was fine but I thanked her anyway. She seemed confused that I did not want the room clean so she came in and started to clean it anyway. I sat there with a melting ice cream in my hand an a mouth full of chocolate as this woman started to sweep the freaking floor! After a ten minute awkward silence she stood up and said "I finished room" she held up a clipboard "you sign here please?" I asked her what it was for and she explained that it was to confirmed that our room was clean......simple enough right? Wrong. I was stupid and wrote the number of our hotel room instead of my name. GOD DAMMIT KATIE! And I also managed to spill a bit of ice cream on her clipboard. Oops. She handed me extra towels on the way out and say adios or whatever goodbye is in Spanish. I walked into the bathroom and saw she gave me extra towels in there too. There were also extra towels placed in the wardrobe. So if Malita the maid ever reads this.
Thanks for the towels.

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